A Waimanalo Kanikapila in the 1970s. (Pictured from left to right: Cyril Pahinui, Gabby Pahinui, and James “Bla” Pahinui.) Photo: Mele Mei In L.A.
The GRAMMY Museum, in cooperation with Hawai‘i Tourism Authority and Hawai‘i Academy of Recording Arts, is pleased to present Kī Hōʻalu: Honoring the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Tradition, an exhibit exploring one of the world’s greatest acoustic guitar traditions.
“A large part of our mission at the GRAMMY Museum is to honor all genres of music. We are excited to celebrate the diversity and revered history of Hawaiian music, and the important influence of the slack key guitar tradition.” -Bob Santelli, Executive Director of the GRAMMY Museum
Kī Hōʻalu Exhibit Scheudule at the GRAMMY Museum
Hawaii’s Artistic Musical Heritage
With a history that dates back to the 1800s, the unique sound of slack key comes from the resonance of the tunings and techniques that mimic the yodels and falsettos rooted in ancient chants that are common in Hawaiian singing. Through artifacts and historical instruments that trace the history of this Hawaiian music tradition, the Museum’s tribute to the slack key guitar serves as the official kickoff of the Mele Mei 2016 celebration in Hawai‘i.
“Hawaiian music is beloved the world over and we applaud the GRAMMY Museum for this new exhibit showcasing an authentic piece of Hawai’i’s artistic heritage, the slack key guitar. Guests to the opening day celebration will feel like they have been transported to the islands, being able to relax and enjoy the beautiful melodies by some of Hawai’i’s very best slack key guitar artists.”
-George D. Szigeti, President and CEO of the Hawai’i Tourism Authority
Mele Mei IN L.A. and Hawaii

Slack key masters Cyril Pahinui and Kawika Kahiapo at the 2015 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards. Photo: Kawika Kahiapo.
Mele Mei (Music May) is a month long celebration of Hawai’i’s music, hula and culture. Music and hula events are at various hotels, venues, on the beach and statewide. From ‘ukulele to steel guitar, traditional Hawaiian music to slack key, island reggae to rock-and everything in between-Mele Mei has something for everyone. To learn more visit melemei.com.
Kī Hō’alu: Honoring The Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Tradition and the coinciding Mele Mei In L.A. event are made possible by the support of Hawai’i Tourism Authority, Hawai’i Academy of Recording Arts, Outrigger Resorts, Travelocity, Waikiki Beach Walk, and Yasuda International.
Story courtesy of www.grammymuseum.org.